
Tag: Targeted Database

When clients as us how often we should do a competitive analysis

By kuqn6

Gives clients a chance to see where they stand with their competitors. Keep in mind that this data should be taken with a “grain of salt”. At the end of the day. Your business is unique and you should focus on your audience. Not your competitors. Yet. It is useful to see where youThese are…

Simply taking an approach of writing content

By kuqn6

Simply taking an approach of writing content on a regular schule really isn’t enough to help you meet your business goals. If you want to really leverage content marketing for the powerful tool that it is. You ne to understand that it is more than just writing. There is a lot that goes into the…

Your audience will turn into paying customers if they are nurtur properly

By kuqn6

Without your audience. You won’t have a business. Your audience will turn into paying customers if they are nurtur properly. What happens when a business just starts creating content without thinking things through? One trap businesses fall into is creating content that is very “our business” focus. They do this without meaning to. But their…

When people think of content and how it relates

By kuqn6

When people think of content and how it relates to their marketing strategies. They think that all it entails is writing. They may even realize that they ne to consistently post new content in order to help them reach their business goals. Yes. These are all true. But this understanding only scratches the surface. There…

Digital Advertising, Amazon’s New Goal

By kuqn6

Digital advertising. Amazon’s new goal advertising. Online advertising message the new challenge to the big names in online advertising for the moment they are just rumors. But soon amazon’s digital advertising will be a reality! Amazon already sells advertising . But only on its own platform and to sponsor its products or services! In 2017…

Make Your Google My Business Page More Effective

By kuqn6

Make your google my business page more effective google. Local the my business tab. A tool underestimate by companies in this article we talk about the google my business page. A very effective tool for those who have a business. But which is often a little underestimate! We say this from experience: we see many…

E-mail Marketing, a Tool That Never Sets

By kuqn6

E-mail marketing. A tool that never sets. Digital email marketing campaigns. Pillar of digital marketing. Email marketing is an advertising and corporate communication platform that cannot be missing from a digital marketing strategy. Technologies are constantly changing. But email marketing. Despite the passage of time. Remains effective! This is why it is a strategy that…

With the Shopping Tag You Sell Directly on Instagram!

By kuqn6

With the shopping tag you sell directly on instagram! Online sales with shopping. Instagram opens up the mobile shop tag shopping is finally available in italy too . The new totally free instagram feature . With which companies will be able to insert a tag in organic posts . Allowing people to purchase directly from…

Use Pinterest to Drive Engagement & Sales

By kuqn6

Video views count as the number of views for at least 2 seconds with 50% of the video in view. These metrics enable you to see what actions people take bas on the content. Ideally. You want both types of engagement to determine what pins send people to your website and adjust content to see…

Impressions & Engagements

By kuqn6

Then your visuals are not working well. Keep trying new ideas and optimize your content to see what works best. 2. Saves (previously known as repins) you will find this metric on the ‘site metrics’ tab. Saves are highly desirable as they help encourage engagement. When users save content to their boards. It allows their…

What Should You Measure on Pinterest Analytics

By kuqn6

What should you measure on pinterest analytics? You will find a lot of information provid by pinterest. This data can then be broken into categories for you to understand how to read the numbers. In 2021. Pinterest generat $2.5 billion in revenue. Which is a 56% increase year-on-year report by the business of apps so…

How to Use Pinterest Analytics

By kuqn6

If you work for a brand or own a business that creates great images or visual content. Pinterest could be a great network for you. A visual discovery platform. Pinterest is a simple way for people to get inspiration by creating mood boards using ‘pins’. With 445 million monthly active users according to statista. Pinterest…