
With the Shopping Tag You Sell Directly on Instagram!

With the shopping tag you sell directly on instagram! Online sales with shopping. Instagram opens up the mobile shop tag shopping is finally available in italy too . The new totally free instagram feature . With which companies will be able to insert a tag in organic posts . Allowing people to purchase directly from the company’s e-commerce site. Initially introduce only in the usa last year. The shopping tag has been available for a few days in italy. Spain. France. Germany. The unite kingdom. Canada. Brazil and australia. How does the tag work? Simply place the mouse on the product displaye in the instagram post. Following an icon in the shape of a cart or shopping bag: a popup will take care of displaying the price and technical data sheet of that product! If you want to continue with the purchase. 

Who can use the Shopping tag?

Simply click on “Shop now” and continue the purchasing process in the online shop of the chosen brand! Companies will have to create a new data product catalog on instagram . Which will also serve to monitor the number of clicks and sales! All this improves the sales experience of brands. But also the purchasing experience of people: with shopping. In fact. People find immeiate information on a product and can purchase it immeiately. Without having to take a different route. Which. Perhaps. It might even change your mind about purchasing! With the shopping tag. However. This risk decreases because the person who finds a product on instagram can purchase it immeiately. 

Is the shopping tag a trial or an investment?

Thanks to the link on the post. Which immeiately reirects to the company website! Who can use the shopping tag? The shopping tag is only available for those Fax List companies that have a business account . Therefore private profiles are exclude! All brands that have an instagram or facebook showcase page or a physical product catalog in their business manager will be able to integrate the shopping tag! At the moment the tag cannot be use for services and there is also a limit for influencers. Who cannot tag an item worn and immortalize in one of their instagram posts! For these. We will have to wait longer! It is expecte that the companies that will benefit most from this new feature will be fashion brands.