
Video views count as the number of views for at least 2 seconds with 50% of the video in view. These metrics enable you to see what actions people take bas on the content. Ideally. You want both types of engagement to determine what pins send people to your website and adjust content to see improvements in this type of activity. Examples of visuals that work well to get people to visit your site might include calls to action. How-to instructions. Or stunning images. You want new and returning visitors to gain customers and expand your reach. New visitors can also expand reach on pinterest with the chance of ‘saves’. Also. If they are returning from pinterest. This means they are finding your content valuable. And that’s what you want.

Top converting pins

Top converting pins it’s important to measure your top pins bas on different conversion goals which can be found special data under ‘conversions’. These goals include impressions. Pin clicks. Saves. Page visits. Add to cart. And checkout. This metric will show the performance of your pins in driving particular actions. For example. If you’re looking to drive website traffic then look at which type of pins are effective at doing that and why. If some pins outperform in every category. You may have found the secret to pinterest success! Look for patterns in your content such as the types of images. Colors us (design fundamentals). The kind of text. And anything that stands out with similarities you can use to plan more similar content. That will allow you to gain more exposure with your account providing consistent content that people consider of value.

Audience analytics in your social

Remember: you can use seo to help your pins show up in search results. Read our blog on ‘5 ways to maximize seo and social mia’ for more information. 6. Audience analytics Fax List in your social mia marketing. It’s important to know your audience (or buyer persona) and pinterest is no different. Thankfully there are some great metrics you can tap into to learn more about your followers and other pinterest users. Demographics – this gives you insight into the demographics such as gender. Device. Preferences. Etc. Conversions – this informs you of organic and paid pins so you can measure cpa and roas page visits – as mention before. This is the number of people visiting your site from pinterest (this could be useful in light of shoppable posts using product pins) affinity – this tells you how much an audience cares about a topic so you can tap into trends and hot topics. Add to cart and checkout – these metrics track activity after someone has click on your link on pinterest.

By kuqn6

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