Then your visuals are not working well. Keep trying new ideas and optimize your content to see what works best. 2. Saves (previously known as repins) you will find this metric on the ‘site metrics’ tab. Saves are highly desirable as they help encourage engagement. When users save content to their boards. It allows their followers to see it in their fes. That provides more exposure to people not following your account. Pinterest save feature pinterest save feature you will see the daily average number of saves. Which is an indicator of how well your visuals are working. You can compare your pins to your saves. So you can get a feel for how well you are doing at reaching a broader audience. Saves are a bonus and a great way to grow your audience
Impressions & engagements
Impressions & engagements impressions measure the number of times your pins were shown to a user. Pins can appear on your homepage. In search latest database results. Or on another user’s board. Like all social mia networks. Remember that one user can account for multiple impressions. Impressions are a big deal as they tell you how often people see your pins. Getting a high pin impression rate means your content is resonating or on-trend (and also lik by pinterest’s algorithm). The engagement metric shows the total number of engagements your pins are getting. This includes saves. Pin clicks. Outbound clicks. Carousel card swipes. Collections clicks. And idea pin forward/backward swipes. You can also use this metric with the total audience number to calculate the engagement rate.
This will help you to understand the content
This will help you to understand the content that people are engaging with so you can create more of it. “ 8 out of 10 people who use pinterest says it makes them feel positive” pinterest data become a world class digital marketer 4. Page visits and views scroll to the end of the metrics tab to see what traffic pinterest help drive to your website through ‘page visits’. While some pins help gain followers or engagement. Others drive traffic. You can measure it against ‘add to cart’ and ‘checkout’ metrics to see if Fax List your website is performing. Views can be seen as monthly views and video views (yes. Pinterest does promote video content with pinners watching nearly one billion videos a day).