
Growth Hacking and Frustration: How to Apply the LLCC Framework

I have met few people with Vicent’s tenacity. His capacity for growth, his insight, his ideas, his desire to share and his absorption capacity. Therefore,He shows great humility that helps him take the best from each of the people with whom he shares a conversation and transform it into learning and continuous improvement. And he combines it with a great generosity that makes anyone who works with him grow by instant osmosis. Perhaps that is one reason (and not the only one) why Streamloots is reaping many successes and, above all, concentrated talent .

Lagging vs Leading: choosing well where to focus

Let’s start with the two L’s, understanding the essence of any system and the difference between category email list Leading (input) indicators and Lagging (result) indicators. Imagine a kitchen robot. You add ingredients, program certain variables and you get a delicious meal. You don’t know at all the complexity of the robot, or how it was designed or what the process it does to convert your ingredients into that food. Therefore,What you know is that you introduce ingredients and you get a delicious meal . Imagine that everything you are observing, your product, an ad campaign, the growth of your project…Therefore, any process , no matter how small or large, can resemble that input and output system .

What are Leading indicators?

They respond to metrics or input indicators of a system. Therefore,That is, what we put into the Fax Lis process. In an Ads campaign,Therefore, these indicators can be the time we spend carrying out that campaign, the daily budget, the global budget, the frequency limitation, the size of the audience, the creativity of the copies or images, etc. What are Lagging indicators? Lagging indicators, on the other hand, represent the response of the system, what we get. Therefore,Continuing with the previous example, we would be talking about the sales made through that Ads campaign.

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