
Category: industry email list

Whistleblower protection laws.

By rakib717

After the Wirecard corruption scandal and the scandal over the bribery of EU MEP Kelly by Qatar, European governments are finally stepping up whistleblower protection! In Germany and Austria, a new law is about to be passe that will give whistleblowers incentives and protection so that violations of law are notice earlier and stoppe: Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz…

Video content is inherently more

By istiya559

In today’s digital landscape, video content is king.   the power of video marketing to connect with your target audience in a way that is engaging and memorable. Studies show that consumers are more likely to engage with video content than any other form of media, making vidoio a valuable tool for driving brand awareness and…

How to Get more th saging

By istiya559

Getting started with Wahasapp is quick and easy.   the App Store or Google Play Store, create an account with your phone number, and start messaging How to Get  friends and family in no time. You can also customize your profile, set up notifications, and explore How to Get  app’s various features to enhance your messaging…

Keyword planner how to use it

By kuqn6

Cause minimal Keyword planner disruption to your property. They know their job well! Whether you want junk removal for your residential or commercial property, they will give their best. You save time and energy Imagine aking your large bulky mattress to a recycling unit. You need to devote time to take your mattress to the…

How to obtain the Google Analytics certificate

By kuqn6

Digital medium, people have a short attention span. They don’t care  unless it has something in it for them. If it is about offers and discounts, they will listen to you but if you are boring them with details that are not of any  to them, they would move on. So, always go with a…

How can I compress a photo without losing quality

By kuqn6

Sales from How can a search keyword, which is very effective in tracking ROI on each and every phrase.  affordable for small and medium  promote their products and services within their marketing budget. Social Media Marketing Social media enables direct communication between the companies and customers about the product or services. It is a.  …

Spain wins gold in the Ibai Balloon World Cup and the brands did not miss it

By kuqn6

On October 27, the long-awaited final of the Second Edition of the Balloon World Cup was held , which brought together 16 contestants from different countries. On this occasion, Spain won the victory against Brazil. The event organized by Ibai Llanos and Gerard Piqué was held at the Port Aventura facilities, where Miguel Imbroda, the…

This is Do something that keeps you awake the most effective campaign

By kuqn6

When the image of a mattress appears in our mind. We imagine ourselves sleeping on it peacefully (or failing that. Resting from the frenzy of modern life). Mattresses are (or were) synonymous with rest. Approximately three years ago. When 2019 was approaching its final stretch and the pandemic was merely an entelechy. Pikolin dared to…

Oniria TBWA consolidates itself as the most creative agency in Paraguay

By kuqn6

Oniria TBWA achieved its twelfth star as Agency of the Year , in the Tatakua 2022 creative contest , among more than 30 agencies, production companies and independent professionals in the field who competed in different categories and were evaluated by a strict jury of national and international professionals, among those who stood out: Nicolás…

Interview with Nicolas Moinard, Growth Marketer at Mailjet

By kuqn6

Hello! How are you? How are you? Good? I hope so! Today I am very happy. And do you know why? Well, because today I bring you an interview with Nicolas Moinard, a super crack who is going to tell us a lot of interesting things about Growth Hacking. Photo by Nicolas Moinard Nicolas works…

Growth Hacking and Frustration: How to Apply the LLCC Framework

By kuqn6

I have met few people with Vicent’s tenacity. His capacity for growth, his insight, his ideas, his desire to share and his absorption capacity. Therefore,He shows great humility that helps him take the best from each of the people with whom he shares a conversation and transform it into learning and continuous improvement. And he…

Nifty Images: Better if the content comes with an image!

By kuqn6

No, it wasn’t. We did a test and, although there was some color with the emoticons, it seemed to us that something was missing. On Twitter we could publish only with text. On Facebook perhaps, although we know that it is super bland. On Instagram impossible. We needed visual impact, we needed to put the…