
This is Do something that keeps you awake the most effective campaign

When the image of a mattress appears in our mind. We imagine ourselves sleeping on it peacefully (or failing that. Resting from the frenzy of modern life). Mattresses are (or were) synonymous with rest. Approximately three years ago. When 2019 was approaching its final stretch and the pandemic was merely an entelechy. Pikolin dared to give a bold twist to the mattress market and put the emphasis not on the rest provided. Its products but on all those activities that keep your potential customers awake (for the better) . Thus was born the “Do something that keeps you awake” campaign. Awarded the Grand Prix for Efficiency in the latest edition of the Efficiency Awards . 

Three years shattering what the canons dictate have raised Pikolin

In January of this year, “Lágrimas”, the category email list third installment of “Do something that keeps you awake” was released and it did so by placing the new masculinity in the spotlight. Starring the dancer Rafael Pérez Botija, “Lágrimas” demonstrated that passion, lived without restrictions, brings out emotion and eventually tears in men. “Strong men are not afraid of themselves, or their emotions, they want to feel, even if it means being vulnerable, they are not afraid of being judged,” said Ana Robledo Pascua, marketing director of Pikolin, in the presentation of the third installment of “Do something that keeps you awake.”

Pikolin has managed to match the turnover levels

With the Grand Prize for Efficiency Fax List obtained yesterday at the XXIV edition of the Pikolin Efficiency Awards and the agencies that have accompanied the brand in this phenomenal adventure (Oriol Villar, Arena Media and Tango) were rewarded for their courage when it came to daring to suggest to the consumer something as reckless (and counterintuitive) as moving away from brand-name mattresses and giving up hours of sleep to give free rein to their passions.