

 I must admit that I have pampered it much less than I should have, and than I would have liked, since those of you who know me know with complete certainty how much I love to write and contribute to others. That blissful lack of time or no-time. Those priorities called clients and projects that many of them have been fulfilled, fortunately, after much effort, perseverance and tenacity. And above all, learning daily. I don’t believe in resolutions, honestly, because they are never fulfilled. we never fulfill them or carry them out. I believe in facts. 

Hello Christmas. Welcome emotions

Hello Christmas, you have already arrived in most stores, and with you your emotions are running high. Emotional Marketing has become fashionable, but it comes hand in hand with Awareness Marketing. Therefore,  Marketing with a cause, and even more so these days that are approaching. Where we are all more sensitized… or not? Because of course, there comes a time when so many brands fill us with emotions through funnels. You no longer know what to believe and what not, and brands email database should take. Therefore, this as an action-reaction before creating Emotional Marketing campaigns. But above all of Cause Marketing. 

Capitalist interest and selfishness for mutual good

Capitalist interest and selfishness for mutual good. We must be aware that brands that use this type of Awareness Marketing. Therefore, aim to clean up a little the distorted perception. The concept that companies live the greedy mentality of being solely. And exclusively money-making machines. One of the objectives of Cause Marketing, precisely. Therefore, is to make it understood that beyond gaining followers on social networks Fax List increasing. Web traffic or increasing the volume of monthly sales. There is a cause for which all of them are carried out. and each of the solidarity actions through that brand.