
What is Facebook Ads, Its Advantages and Functions for Business

Actually, what is Facebook Ads and what are the advantages and functions for the business people who run it? In the online world, of course you are no stranger to Facebook, which is one of the social media that has many users.

It is proven that in 2022 Facebook users will reach 2.8 billion worldwide. And in Indonesia alone Facebook users reached 129.85 million in January 2022. This means that if Facebook is used as a promotional tool it will really help reach many consumers.

Facebook is not only social media to increase friendships online, but is also used as a tool to bring in online customers. You can promote products or services via Facebook to reach consumers from various cities in Indonesia.

Actually, not only users from Indonesia, but you can reach Facebook users from all over the world. As long as you do the promotion in the right way, you can get potential customers.

Now in Facebook marketing there are two ways, namely organic Facebook and Facebook Ads. Organic Facebook is a promotion that is carried out naturally, that is, there is no need to pay Facebook to get clicks. Meanwhile, Facebook Ads are promotions that require a fee to get leads.

 Broad Target Market that you need to know

We explained earlier that Facebook advertising Oman Mobile Number List is one of the advertising media that can reach internet users in any part of the world. Of course, as long as you target the demographic according to your target market.

You can target consumers from various cities and even countries according to your target goals. Before the ad starts showing you need to make settings on your ad, namely which area or country you want to target. So you actually get prospects from the region. That way you can bring in potential customers who have the potential to buy the products or services you offer. If you run this advertisement in the right and proper way, it can help increase your sales.

Target the Right Audience your product or service


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As you already know, Facebook Ads has an Adverts Manager feature where you can set age, gender, hobbies, interests and so on to target the right people. With this feature you can reach people who have an interest in .

3. Many Choice of Ad Types
What’s even more special about this advertising is that there are many types of ads provided by Facebook. You can customize it yourself according to your advertising needs. Now the types of ads that can be selected are Page Post Engagement, Page Likes, Click to Website, Website Conversions, Event Responses and App Install/Engagement.

Of the many choices of types of advertising, this really helps businesses determine for themselves what type of advertising they need for their products FAX List  or services. This makes it very easy for Facebook advertisers to achieve their goals.