
The ads are usually these first

Here, the objective is to explain this difference in a simple way, to illustrate why advertising on Google and SEO are initiatives that can complement each other, but whose influence on each other is restrict and does not depend solely on the advertiser’s money . To make it easier to visualize, let’s look directly at Google: Organic search and paid search – preview Now I’m sure you remember, correct? The ads are usually these first, and they are properly identifi. To establish a general overview, let’s borrow a table from the other text that we have already cit here: Type of search Organic Search Paid Search Range Potential 80% to 90% of the public 20% to 10% of the public Deadline to obtain results Long term (over 12 months) Short term (up to 3 months) Mia investment None Link to cost per click Production investment Improve website, content, external links.

Why should the two types of search be

Campaign maintenance. How to scale results Maintain production. Increase mia investment Dication Constant. It can be sporadic (the campaign can be temporary). You got the general idea, right? Now, the big question would be: why does Google ne to keep the two separate? There’s no secret, because the search engine’s entire business model is bas on this separation. Why should the two types of search be separat? Why should the two types of search be separat? We have already mention it new data  here, and you are certainly aware of several platforms that are bas on advertising: TV channels; radio stations; magazines; content portals; newspapers; blogs; social mia profiles; etc.

Debunking the myths Even though everything

new data

If a magazine starts selling articles (and not just ads) to companies, will you continue to trust its content? Of course not? It’s the same thing with our friend Google. In the end, we are talking about a vicious circle: Google delivers the best answers; user trusts Google; search engine gains reputation; advertiser values ​​this reputation; Google sells ads. So, the biggest search engine in the world can never stop offering organic search. And above all, you can never let advertisers interfere with your impartiality – which is what maintains Google’s authority among those who use the search tool. Debunking the myths Even though everything we cover here makes  Fax List perfect sense, it is still possible to hear some myths when we talk about the relationship between SEO and advertising on Google.