
SME Digitalization Grant


The new world in the post-epidemic era has brought great changes to almost every one of us, changing our original lifestyle, changing the way businesses operate, and breaking our past consumption habits. All walks of life are embracing online more. The government launch this electronic subsidy for Malaysian small and medium-siz enterprises (SMEs) in order to encourage more SMEs to embrace electronic operating models and transform into electronic fields to run daily businesses.

Areas of expertise include:


Helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) embrace digitalization!

The government provides a SME e-subsidy of RM5000/company. Where a Australia Phone Number List  can get 50% of the total cost, or a maximum subsidy of RM5,000.

Next, we will learn about:

(1) Application date
(2) Allowance amount
(3) Allowance eligibility
(4) Requir documents

(1) Application period:
2020 to 2025 / Reach 100,000 applications
☑ Starting from February 17, 2020, the government will provide subsidies worth RM500 million over the next five years, allowing the first 100,000 SMEs to apply for a digitalization grant of up to RM5,000, and SMEs do not  to pay any fees.

Phone Number List

(2) Amount of subsidy:
☑ 50% of expenses/RM5,000

(3) Eligibility for the Grant:
☑ The SME is at least 60% own by Malaysians
☑ The SME is register under the relevant laws of Dominican Republic Phone Number List and is classifi as an SME


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