
Tag: Consumer Phone Number List

[10 behaviors that deduct points from employees,

By sultana315

Have you notic any of them?] If you don’t have a good salary and are not valu by the company, it may be because you have done these things… post by Chloe Chan by Chloe Chan Jan 12, 2023 Post at 2:25 PM Some people often complain that they are not treat as well as…

It turns out that Elon Musk always asks this

By sultana315

[key question] in interviews! HR has follow suit, job seekers, prepare your answer quickly! post by Chloe Chan by Chloe Chan Feb 1, 2021 Post at 11:44 AM According to a report compil by foreign mia “CNBC Make It”, Elon Musk once reveal in an interview with German automobile magazine “Auto Bild” in 2014 that…

Will the MCO be extended?

By sultana315

The Prime Minister is expect to make an announcement today! post by Chloe Chan by Chloe Chan Feb 1, 2021 Post at 2:10 PM Except Sarawak, whether the Movement Control Order (MCO) implement in all states across the country will end on February 4 and be follow by the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), or…

[Breaking News] No interstate travel to hometown for Chinese New Year!

By sultana315

Lunar New Year SOP is coming soon! post by Chloe Chan by Chloe Chan Feb 1, 2021 Post at 3:41 PM In order to prevent overseas Chinese, especially asymptomatic confirm cases, from bringing the coronavirus back to their hometowns and subsequently infecting high-risk groups including the elderly, the government has decid to prohibit overseas Chinese…

Don’t give your trust to the wrong person!

By rani128

  Whether in society or in the workplace, it is extremely important to be able to identify a person’s authenticity, reliability, and stability. This is a self-protection mechanism, and it is also to prevent oneself from wasting energy on unworthy people. If a person is reliable enough, he must have the following four qualities.  …

SME Digitalization Grant

By rani128

  The new world in the post-epidemic era has brought great changes to almost every one of us, changing our original lifestyle, changing the way businesses operate, and breaking our past consumption habits. All walks of life are embracing online more. The government launch this electronic subsidy for Malaysian small and medium-siz enterprises (SMEs) in…

Should you go to a big company

By khatun575

For your first job, should you go to a big company or a small company? Many people dream of working in a big company, especially when they are young. Getting an offer from a big company will make you feel better than your other classmates and you will feel like you are more powerful than…

Students with this discount card

By khatun575

Dear students! Do you often take the MRT to travel around? Then you must have a Kad Konsesi, because it will save you 50% of the fare! The Mass Rapid Transit Corporation (MRT) will launch a “discount card” (Kad Konsesi) that will allow students to enjoy a 50% discount on MRT fares to encourage students…

If you were given the opportunity

By khatun575

The time spent in college is the best time in your life. You can adjust your own time, choose your own courses, make as many friends as you want, and live with roommates. Although college life has become a thing of the past for you for a long time, you will inevitably miss it and…

Protect birds, manage islands

By khatun575

Are you tired of the 9-to-6 office life? Longing for the coolness of the blue sky and blue sea? Yearning for a hermit life with no worries about food and clothing? Handa island in Scotland, UK is looking for ‘island owners’ . After working for only half a year , the ‘island owner’ can receive…

It’s time to set goals again! Start planning

By rani128

  2023 is coming soon, and it is time to set goals again. In Ecuador Phone Number List new year, how can we achieve our goals step by step? It is recommended that you start planning your 2023 from these 8 aspects!   1- Financial Status   Evaluate your current financial situation. If you want…

What should I do if I always think too much?

By rani128

  Are you a person who can’t control yourself from thinking too much? Are you always worri about things that haven’t happen yet or may never happen? If you want to solve this problem, you might as well try the following methods and don’t let your brain be overwork.     1. Face the problem…