
For developing websites to make them more lively and dynamic. That’s why JavaScript is one of the most commonly used programming languages ​​and the most important for a web developer . When creating a website from scratch, the JavaScript, HTML and CSS programming languages ​​cannot be separated because they are interconnected. These three languages ​​are interrelated and when combined, they will produce a website that is good and comfortable to visit. If you as a web developer only use one of these programming languages, then you can be sure that the result will not be a good website.

Apart from that, these three programming

Languages ​​have different ways of working so you shouldn’t choose one of them. Why is that? Because HTML functions to allow you to add content to web pages , CSS is used to determine the layout , style and alignment of your website pages , and JavaScript is used to improve the appearance and system South Korea WhatsApp Number List of your website pages. 3. Collaboration, communication and problem solving skills Photo: Annie Spratt on Unsplash Maybe this ability sounds very easy to do without having to study. But don’t take this matter lightly. Creating a website that requires a complex arrangement starting from the front end , back end , UI Design , to digital marketing requires strong teamwork and cannot be done by one person alone.

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Apart from that, good communication

Really supports this work because there are times when meetings with work teams or clients must have this ability. Likewise, problem solving skills are really needed when an error occurs.  On a website or when there is a problem when operating a programming language. Those are some of the skills Luxembourg Whatsapp Number List you must have.  If you want to become a web developer . You can start learning to hone the skills above if you are interested in working as a web developer. Apart from that, learning to become a web developer is widely available on YouTube and websites if you want to learn autodidactically.

By rhrya4h

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