
End In principle, the front end focuses on the composition of a site or application. The composition in question includes buttons, images, content and so on. All of these compositions must be ensured not to disturb the user’s comfort. Apart from that, the information and interactions that occur on applications and sites are also handled by those who work as front end developers . Meanwhile, the back end developer is tasked with ensuring and correcting any errors that occur in the application because in its use, the site and application will of course always regularly experience changes depending on conditions.

Apart from that the back

Must be ready to think about and be responsible for risks that may occur in the future, such as data security, maximum application capacity and so on. Photo: David Pupaza on Unsplash 2. Abilities that must be possessed To become a front end developer , you must at least understand the three programming languages ​​mentioned above, namely HTML , CSS and Javascript . These three programming languages ​​are important Poland WhatsApp Number List things that should not be missed when developing an application or site. Apart from that, you are required to be proficient in managing frameworks and libraries as supporting components in building applications. Meanwhile, as a back end developer , you must be proficient in mastering various programming languages ​​such as PHP , Ruby , Python and so on.

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Understanding programming languages ​​is very important

In managing servers on sites and applications. Apart from that, to manage and develop databases. Back end developers are also required to understand the use of software such as MySQL , Oracle and SQL Server. So, that’s a brief explanation of the duties and responsibilities of front end. And back end Namibia Whatsapp Number List developers . Hopefully this explanation can help you understand these two professions. Want to create and develop a website? Kinaja can help you. So you don’t need to think about the design.  And appearance of your website because Kinaja is ready to do it! Just visit and find attractive offers now.

By rhrya4h

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