
Tag: Buy Whatsapp phone number List

Working principles of front end and back

By rhrya4h

End In principle, the front end focuses on the composition of a site or application. The composition in question includes buttons, images, content and so on. All of these compositions must be ensured not to disturb the user’s comfort. Apart from that, the information and interactions that occur on applications and sites are also handled…

What is a Front End Developer and Back End Developer

By rhrya4h

Maybe you often wonder who actually works to run company applications and sites so that they continue to run well without disturbing the comfort of their users. Yes, those who have an important role behind the application or site are called front end and back end developers . A front end developer is a person…

This step is a very important part

By rhrya4h

Because in the process of moving it, you need something called coding . Coding takes a lot of time because you are required to memorize the codes related to website creation and will experience bugs and fixing at this stage . For this reason, you must know at least three kinds of coding terms ,…

There are those who want to make their website just a portfolio

By rhrya4h

There are those who only want to use it as a source of information. Focus on selling products without relying on e-commerce , and so on. For this reason, you can start to see for yourself.  What the purpose of the website you are going to build is and what needs it must meet. Plan…

Come on find out the Kinaja style website creation workflow

By rhrya4h

You must be familiar with hearing the word website . Website has become a very common word for those who want to sell or buy products and services. Why? Because the website makes it very easy for sellers and buyers to interact and doesn’t take a lot of time to do it. With the increasing…

JavaScript is a high-level programming language

By rhrya4h

For developing websites to make them more lively and dynamic. That’s why JavaScript is one of the most commonly used programming languages ​​and the most important for a web developer . When creating a website from scratch, the JavaScript, HTML and CSS programming languages ​​cannot be separated because they are interconnected. These three languages ​​are…

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash Apart from that

By rhrya4h

Of course you can attract potential consumers who you have target.  To become leads who have the potential to make purchases. Not only does it make potential customers visit, the landing page also allows you to record the information they use to enter your site, starting from name, email, to telephone number. If you are…

What Skills Must You Have to Become a Web Developer?

By rhrya4h

Surely quite a few of you have rarely heard of programming terms or languages ​​that are out there. Yes, programming languages ​​are indeed languages ​​that are known and only understood by those who study them. Not many people know what a programming language is like and how it works. Programming languages ​​are closely related to…

The advantages of the JavaScript programming

By rhrya4h

language include: it can shorten the loading time of website pages from the server, allows it to be used with other programming languages, and is easy for beginners to learn. The disadvantages are: pure JavaScript cannot work outside the browser, the commands in JS tend to be less secure than other programming languages, and have…

4 Programming Languages ​​That Can Help You Create a Website

By rhrya4h

Programming languages ​​are part of developing a website and are instructions. From programmers for computers to be able to run a program. Programming languages ​​contain commands that will later become logic that can be understood by computers. Some of the output from using programming languages ​​are operations. Desktop applications , websites , mobile applications ,…

Dribbble Dribbble logo Photo by Rubaitul Azad

By rhrya4h

On Unsplash Next there is Dribbble which is no less good than Behance. Dribbble is a social media platform for designers that has been released since 2009. Dribbble is famous for its invite-only system which means a creator who wants to open an account on Dribbble must get an invitation from another creator who already…