
In Medellín and Ikusi, a Group of Professionals

We are old acquaintances, we complement each other, we have a high degree of responsibility, synergies are created between us, and clients perceive this. In addition, the team in Medellín has expanded with two other signings. Héctor Pedraza and Edisson Gaviria have joined. Héctor works in the Enterprise area, and I met him at the ITS company. We had a good relationship. Edisson also worked at Italtel and his role is as leader of the Security architecture. Is the offer to customers in Medellín the same as what they can find in Bogotá? Ikusi in Colombia is structured in three architectures that are Enterprise, Security and Data Center, and in Medellín we have the complete offer.

This Is Very Important for Clients

We make visible with facts that Ikusi has quality and excellent engineers not only in Bogotá.  But that it has a great commitment to Medellín where it demonstrates that it is serious and sincere. How do you approach customer loyalty? Deploying a way of working with the Ikusi seal and DNA. The essential thing is that the client perceives the quality from the design of the project itself. Know your business in Taiwan Phone Number Data depth to not only cover your needs but also to provide added value. Another important moment occurs during the implementation process. This is when you have to exploit the solution to the fullest. And we also imprint the Ikusi DNA on this phase and, when we can give the client something more than what was initially contracted, we do it.

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We Come to the Support Phase

Solutions fail, new needs arise that must be responded to, and that is a chain, a cycle. If we pass these three phases with a high score, we can stand out for great service, and it is much more feasible to achieve customer loyalty and preference. It’s a completely different approach than a large company. It is the fight of David against Goliath, therefore, the strategy has to be different. We are not that big, but precisely because Austria Phone Number of our size we can take care of people, create synergies, be very close to the client and take care of both them and the people on our teams. If you had to choose two aspects that differentiate Ikusi’s offer from that of other companies, which would you highlight? The quality of the people who make up the team.