
Ikusi ONCE, the differential member of the Ikusi Blue Team

In cybersecurity, the Blue Team is known as a team made up of people who like to protect and care, as opposed to the Red Team, in which the objective is to use attacker techniques using offensive security methods. We can also find a Purple Team, which uses the combination of both teams in its operation. At Ikusi we are always on the ‘blue’ side. It is made up of hundreds of highly qualified people, with more than 100 certified engineers who operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This team, in addition to its own experience, has a tool that makes the service it offers truly differential. This is Ikusi ONCE , Ikusi’s unified operations center, from which network, cybersecurity and IT infrastructures are monitored, supported and proactively managed.

From Ikusi ONCE, Ikusi guarantees attention

Resolution and analysis of incidents so that the availability of clients’ business is not interrupte. Ikusi ONCE, the added value of managed services The sum of the human team and the unified operations center allows Ikusi to offer its clients managed cybersecurity, IT and network services, in such a way that the client focuses on developing their own business, while Ikusi takes care of these critical areas that affect Poland Number Data business operations but are not specific to the client’s core. It is not about providing infrastructure, although Ikusi is in a position to do so if necessary, but about freeing the client from certain tasks through multi-year service contracts. Ikusi takes care of cyber patrolling, security event monitoring, detection of anomalous behavior and mitigation of malicious events.

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Ikusi ONCE the differential hand there is correlation

That is, seeing which incidents are related. Ikusi analyzes them to be able to make a correlation. We are at step 0 of cybersecurity automation. Next comes prioritization. Once the incidents are groupe, they must prioritize. It is about doing a triage, as happens when we go to the hospital emergency room. To determine which incident deserves to attend to first. In this step, the defined parameters that determine the priorities come into play. The next step is verticalization, that is, the acquisition of sector experience. Each client is Finland Phone Number different, although it is true that there are incidents and problems common to each industry. Automation, a key element of managed cybersecurity services.

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