
How does artificial intelligence contribute to cybersecurity?

The sophistication of cyber threats requires business leaders to seek increasingly intelligent and advanced solutions. One of the most promising and relevant technologies to improve defenses and responses to cybersecurity threats is artificial intelligence (AI). When artificial intelligence is mentioned in the area of ​​cybersecurity, reference is made to technology capable of analyzing large amounts of data to identify patterns of suspicious or anomalous activity that facilitate the prevention, detection and resolution of security incidents in real time. If we add to this the ability of AI to learn from data and make effective and quick decisions in the face of unexpected events, this technology becomes the new cybersecurity priority in companies’ IT departments. In fact, its use in business ecosystems has seen an increasing trend in recent years.

According to data from Gartner, by 2022

At least 40 % of companies will have implemented AI to improve their ability to detect and respond to cyber incidents. Another Accenture study revealed that 68% of organizations that had implemented AI in their cybersecurity strategy by 2022 experienced a significant decrease in average Thailand Phone Number Data threat detection time. Benefits of artificial intelligence for cybersecurity Although the path to AI adoption is just beginning and there are significant challenges that the business sector has yet to overcome, its use is demonstrating significant benefits in the area of ​​cybersecurity, such as: Quick threat detection. Analyzing large amounts of data allows AI to identify threats and make real-time decisions that prevent significant damage to organizations’ assets.

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Instead of relying on humans to respond

To security alerts, AI automatically takes action to contain and mitigate threats. Quick threat identification. AI has the ability to automatically identify vulnerabilities in systems and applications. Making it easier to take measures to correct them and prevent their exploitation by cybercriminals. Password management. Generating complex passwords and storing them securely in a centralized location is one of the many functions that.  AI performs to protect users and systems. Forensic analysis. Incident investigation, as well as evidence Estonia Phone Number collection, is a task performed. By AI that serves to understand the root of threats and determine what measures to take to prevent future attacks. Implementation of biometric authentication. AI is also used to add layers of security to computers and applications based on biometric authentication systems, such as facial or fingerprint recognition. Identification of new forms of cybercrimes.