
Keys to success in a hybrid or remote work environment

The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 gave way to a reality that we still experience today: hybrid or remote work. Although at a low percentage, some companies in Mexico have implemented flexible policies that allow employees to work from home or under a combined model between the office and home. However, this type of work faces challenges that are important to consider and address to guarantee its success and maintain or increase the levels of efficiency and productivity of collaborators. According to Cynthia Montaudon, director of the Observatory of Competitiveness and New Forms of Work at the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP), “ less than 1% work in companies virtually in Mexico , which is nothing.

Less than 12% of companies

Have any form of teleworking or hybrid work. For Montaudon, this panorama arises from the need for companies to have control over their personnel. The lack of a hybrid or remote work culture in Mexican organizations makes many managers reluctant to the idea of ​​their employees working from home. Therefore, it is important that both business owners and collaborators know the keys to carrying out UAE Number Data a successful transition to this new model. The cloud as a collaboration environment for hybrid or remote work The cloud, as a collaboration environment, has transformed the way people and organizations work together and share information. It allows real-time collaboration, access to documents from anywhere and at any time, and greater efficiency in the communication and coordination of geographically distributed teams.

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The cloud facilitates Keys to success in collaboration

On fronts such as: 1. Universal access in real time. 2. Ease of coordination and communication. 3. Security and access control. 4. Track changes. 5. Integration with other tools. 6. Reduced dependency on physical location. 7. Efficiency and time savings. Cloud Collaboration by Cisco Webex: Driving business collaboration in a hybrid. Remote work environment Cisco Webex is a leading collaboration solutions platform El Salvador Phone Number that provides a wide range of tools and services for team collaboration , virtual meetings, messaging, calling and much more, all hosted in the cloud. The main features and tools of Cloud Collaboration by Cisco Webex are: 1. Virtual meetings and video conferences: Webex Meetings: Allows you to hold virtual meetings with high-quality video conferencing, screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and the option to record meetings.