
Combining Paid and Organic Traffic to improve your company’s results


Paid Traffic and Organic Traffic are different strategies, Combining Paid based on opposing principles. However, it is possible to unite them in your company’s Digital Marketing project. And that way, get extraordinary results. To find out how to unite Paid and Organic Traffic and improve your company’s results, continue reading this article. In the next few lines, you will learn more about each of these strategies and discover how to work with the two together. Difference between Paid and Organic Traffic From the first moment you decide to put your business on the internet, generating traffic becomes one of your main challenges. So how you choose to build that traffic will depend on different factors, such as: your urgency to stand out online; the budget you have available for it. Thus, companies that choose to use Organic Traffic make use of a cheap strategy, but with a longer term of realization.

Paid Traffic refers to the investment

After all, this strategy uses a set of techniques with the intention of optimizing the content produced by your company. So your brand can rank and be easily found on search engines. This type of traffic is one of the pillars of Inbound Marketing. However, if your company does not want to go through this optimization process and has more Germany Phone Number List resources to invest, you can choose to generate paid traffic. For this, Google Ads stands out as one of the main tools in the market for paid ads. Google Ads Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform. Thus, it is the tool that stands out the most when it comes to paid media on the internet. Since its creation in 2000, this platform has been the market leader. It works with the sale of ads that are displayed in strategic spaces for the user.

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To keep your Traffic Rate high

They are the result of a company’s investment in Paid Traffic . In this way, you can understand Paid Traffic as a way of paying for potential customers to have access to your ad. In addition, through this platform, it is possible to segment ads. So that, in this way, they are presented only to those users with greater purchasing potential. For example, people who Fax List search for a product or service similar to yours. Thus, the use of sponsored links is an effective way to achieve short-term results. Why invest in Paid and Organic Traffic? According to a survey carried out by the CNDL (National Confederation of Shopkeepers) and by the SPC Brasil (Credit Protection Service),Combining Paid  around of Brazilian consumers look for information on the internet before choosing to make a purchase . Thus, mastering traffic strategies makes your content appear in the top positions in user searches.