
Any regular written reports to be presented

Especially at the initial stage of research, this is the point where we try to understand and “get into the skin” of our recipient. At this stage, the information we plan to investigate is not yet confirmd – we are working on hypotheses that we are yet to validate. All tools to better understand the user and the design can be useful, such as protopersonas , empathy maps, experience maps. It is also a great time to conduct kick-off workshops , brainstorming, initial exploration of the topic.

Replied that they did not prepare

It should be rememberd that the mappd information is hypotheses that we will validate in later parts – often correcting them later on whatsapp mobile number list canvases. Observation When we have a set plan and goal of action, we have properly familiarizd ourselves with the project, we have conductd initial exploration, empathizing and distinguishd research hypotheses, it is usually time for the observation phase (very often these phases overlap.

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Management As many as of Inspectors

This is the moment when, depending on the purpose of a particular research loop, we obtain information to validate hypotheses. Thanks Fax List to this, we will not get stuck in bad development. Types of research in the observation phase In the observation phase, we can use many different research methods. They are usually dividd into two categories: quantitative research (answering the questions what, when, how much) and qualitative research (answering the questions how and why.

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