
Month: August 2023

WhatsApp Pay has been released! Find out how to activate and make payments.

By kuqn6

WhatsApp Pay, as the new WhatsApp payment service is called, was released with the promise of making financial transfers as easy as sending a photo or messages to your contacts. WhatsApp announced the payments option on its platform, with the aim of “facilitating the sending and receiving of money in a safe way. As it…

What is Facebook Ads, Its Advantages and Functions for Business

By kuqn6

Actually, what is Facebook Ads and what are the advantages and functions for the business people who run it? In the online world, of course you are no stranger to Facebook, which is one of the social media that has many users. It is proven that in 2022 Facebook users will reach 2.8 billion worldwide.…

How to Use Instagram Stories in Your Company’s Digital Marketing

By kuqn6

  How to Use  Instagram Stories works allows you to extract the best results from this platform. For this, you need to know the different features and functions that this tool offers to generate value and win over your audience. Thus, through stories you can share texts, videos and photos that are only visible to…

9 Benefits of PPC Advertising for Your Business

By kuqn6

In general, the benefit of PPC advertising for businesses is to show your business instantly in search results without a longer process like SEO. With PPC advertising, your business can appear on the front page of Google or other search engines a few minutes after the ad is set. Many online businesses do PPC advertising…

5 Website SEO Optimization Mistakes You Should Avoid

By kuqn6

Quite often we receive calls from our clients, when we are told that they want to build a website. Our first question is usually what type of website do you want to create? We wrote this article aiming to discuss the types of websites available. Websites are vast, paying attention to website design is very…

The 5 Most Common Types of SEO Services for Businesses

By kuqn6

Using SEO services to increase website ranking with the aim of bringing in leads and sales is a good idea. Because SEO service providers will really help you get a better ranking in Google search results. After all, using SEO services is more profitable because it will make your work easier. You don’t need to…

Find Out Here The Factors Influencing Website Prices!

By kuqn6

Still confused about determining the budget for making a website? Relax because in this article we have prepared an explanation of the factors that affect website prices. When someone wants to create a professional and functional website, they will find out the price information provided by the website creation service provider and what are the…

Most Used Social Networks Discover What They Are and How to Use.

By kuqn6

The most used Social Networks in 2020 and 2021 are a reflection of the significant changes that have occurred in the digital habits of users across the planet. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There was a huge increase in the search for information in the most different formats within social media. With that, some changes…

5 Reasons Why Business Blogging Is Still Relevant Today

By kuqn6

If you ask Is Blogging still relevant for today’s marketing strategy? Is the blog still a relevant tool for business promotion? Don’t panic, because the answer is in this article. So make sure you keep reading this post until the end to find the answer! As a business owner running online marketing, you must stay…