
There are different opinions on whether

Why do people say that academic qualifications are important when looking for a job? Do HRs always look at academic qualifications first when filtering candidates?

There are many positions that do not require graduates. Let’s take a look at why HR will look at academic qualifications first when filtering resumes!

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Save labor costs

From the perspective of HR and the company. I  this is to avoid looking for a needle in a haystack and spending too much energy and time to Estonia Phone Number List filter candidates. For most companies, academic. I qualifications are the basic conditions for filtering candidates, which allows the company to select suitable candidates for the position in a short period of time, making their recruitment work much easier.

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Reduce training costs

Hiring employees with relevant knowledge background can reduce the time and energy a company spends on talent development. Employees will have stronger learning ability than candidates who have no relevant knowledge at all, and can master the work content in a short period of time.


Although it is said that people with good abilities may not Algeria Phone Number List necessarily have high academic qualifications, and people with high. I academic qualifications may not necessarily have abilities, but in today’s society, academic qualifications are a necessary threshold.

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