
Should you go to a big company

For your first job, should you go to a big company or a small company?

Many people dream of working in a big company, especially when they are young. Getting an offer from a big company will make you feel better than your other classmates and you will feel like you are more powerful than others!


But do you really think that you will be a winner in life after entering a big company?

Companies you may be interested in

If you join a large company too young and lack experience, the company usually does not expect you as a rookie to soar immediately, so you are often Malaysia Mobile Number List not given many opportunities to show your flying skills in many jobs.

Asia Mobile Number List


It is different in a small company

The company’s resources are limited. No matter you are a rookie or a veteran, as long as you are a bird, you will be given the opportunity to fly.

So is it better to work for a big Afghanistan Phone Number List company or a small company? In fact, small companies are not bad either. Let’s take a look at the advantages of small companies~


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