
Please note 5 potential virus sites to watch out for when returning

As the vaccination rate progresses and the government relaxes SOPs, many businesses have been able to open for business, and companies naturally require employees to end their work from home and return to the office. You must know that as long as the epidemic is not under control, you still have to pay attention to these 5 potential places where the virus may lurk when you return to the office.


Computer keyboard and mouse

Computers are what we spend the most time with when we work, especially keyboards and mice. It is reporte that many online studies have shown that the dirtiness of keyboards and mice is far beyond people’s imagination.

Recommendation: Try to keep your computers away from others; disinfect them when you go to and from get off work.



Door handle

Everyone who comes to work will have the opportunity to touch the door handle. It is conceivable that if proper protective measures are not taken, this will be a place where the virus will lurk.

Suggestion: Hang disinfectant next to the door for easy disinfection when entering and exiting; use your feet instead of your hands to push the door open.




To be honest, since the outbreak of the epidemic, most people Albania Phone Number List are probably like me, afraid of staying in.

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Confined spaces especially elevators

Suggestion: If you work on Albania Phone Number List a lower floor, you can make good use of the stairs, which can also be use to keep fit; keep your distance when taking the elevator and do not press the floor buttons with your hands.

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