What is Marketing Management and which are the most accredited Masters in Italy? Starting with Kotler, the figure of the Marketing Manager is transformed into an increasingly multifaceted resource. Marketing Management becomes an integral part of economic dynamics and is recognized as a science that has the task of identifying and satisfying human and social needs.
Marketing Management: meaning
Totally re-evaluating the scenario known until then, Kotler, here the English pdf of Marketing Management of 2007 , proposes a new corporate structure , with holistic objectives and means.
The consumer becomes the protagonist of the entire strategic planning process.
With the term Marketing Management we refer to all thoness activities aimed at studying the market and managing relations with it. Through the study of demand, marketing facilitates the commercialization of goods and services by modeling and promoting the offer.
Marketing Management is, again according to Kotler ‘s definition , In other words, the art and science of selecting target markets and of acquiring, maintaining and growing through the creation, distribution and communication of superior value for the customer ”.
Marketing is about developing satisfying exchanges tht both customers and marketers. In other words, The customer expects to receive compensation or a benefit in excess of the costs you have incurred in a marketing transaction.
The firm, in turn, expects to get something of value in return, usually the asking price for the product. In other words, Through the buyer-seller we Latest Mailing Database are interaction a customer develops expectations regarding the future behavior of the seller.
To meet these expectations, the company must deliver on its promises.
What does a Marketing Manager do?
The Marketing Manager is the head of product management; his responsibility may also include activities such as market research and advertising but does not include, at least in the European sense, sales and distribution.
Over the past 20 years, this professional figure has branched out by adapting and responding to technological innovations.
The Marketing Manager today also or exclusively becomes the Web Marketing Manager or Digital Marketing Manager dedicated to the Fax List management of all online marketing processes and campaigns, creating a new figure or an expansion of skills that were previously purely offline.
Given a company’s goals and mission, the Marketing Manager develops .