
keys to optimize our web positioning


Google is becoming increasingly intelligent and keys to optimize demanding when deciding which websites to position in its first places, and of course if the Internet revolution has meant that millions and millions of websites have been created in recent years. Appearing in the first results of the search rankings is essential. If you don’t appear in the top ten of search results, you don’t exist. Therefore, understanding that SEO is a subject in constant change, we have made an SEO guide of basic steps that you must take into account to attract the attention.

 META DESCRIPTION keys to optimize

Master inBasic guide to learning SEO Make an initial diagnosis Do you already have your website and don’t know what its status is? Perform an initial diagnosis that allows you to evaluate which aspects are optimized, which are not, and how you can improve them. Below is a list of the company data most relevant factors: Analyze the status of your domain: It is important to review factors such as domain age and domain authority. Website status: Check if your website has been penalized by Google’s algorithm, understand the reasons and try to improve them.


Link Profile : Detect external links that may be harming your website and remove them to avoid penalties. Perform an on-page diagnosis where you take into account factors such as Core Web Vitals , the architecture of your website, the structure of internal links, cannibalized  Fax List content, and possible errors such as broken links. Don’t leave social networks aside : Remember that these are also part of your brand and therefore must be optimized. 2# Keyword Resarch: the key to the positioning strategy After knowing the status of your website, you can begin to propose the strategy with which you will be able to rise in Google positions.