
Is there a state that doesn’t

The Deepavali in 2022 falls on October 24. I believe every Malaysian knows that Deepavali is one of the most important festivals of the year for Indian compatriots.

But apart from this, what else do you know about Deepavali? As Malaysians, it is important for us to understand the cultures of different races! So here I will take you to understand 5 things you don’t know about Deepavali

The only state without a public holiday for Deepavali

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You wouldn’t know it if you didn’t tell me. I believe that before this, everyone must have thought that Deepavali was a national holiday, but it turns out that Sarawakians do not have a public holiday for Deepavali!

The true meaning of Deepavali decorations in Shopping Mall

These welcoming decorations are called Kolams or Rangoli. Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of prosperity, but also Guatemala Phone Number List serve as food for ants and birds.

Therefore Hindus consider


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Providing them with food as a kind act, so they never drive away Algeria Phone Number List the small insects on the colorful rice pictures.
Deepavali greetings

Just like the Chinese would say Happy New Year and Wishes for Good Fortune to each other during Chinese New Year, you can say “Shubh Diwali” or “Shubh Deepavali” when visiting your Indian friends’ homes during Deepavali

Deepavali is celebrated for more than just one day

Although the Deepavali holiday is only one day on the calendar, they usually celebrate for five consecutive days. Because it is not complete until these five days are over, and each of these five days has different meanings and activities, so if you see your colleagues taking five consecutive days off for Deepavali, please don’t feel strange.

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