
An employee was fired just for leaving

An employee sued the company for firing him for “quitting the company WhatsApp group without a valid reason” and was awarde RM180,000 in compensation. Recently, local lawyer Lin Wei shared this case on Xiaohongshu. A chef was fire by the company without prior warning. After hearing the case and listening to the explanations of both parties, the Industrial Court rule that the company lost the case.

The lawyer said the company

Cite six reasons for terminating the chef’s employment, including the chef’s two exits from the company’s WhatsApp group and his playing mobile UK Phone Number List games during work. The company also said the employee privately interviewe at other companies during his employment.

The chef countered that he had

Phone Number List

Never receive any warnings and had not shown any signs of incompetence. However, the company insiste that the chef had quit the WhatsApp Armenia Phone Number List group without a valid reason, arguing that this showe that he did not want to continue working for the company. In addition, his work performance had also decline.

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