
Alongside the permanent teachers

 The human hides an object while the robot is not looking. When the robot opens its eyes. The human must guide it towards the object using only simple commands. Namely: come on (takes a step forward) right (rotates right 90°) left (rotates left 90°) search (search as much as you want but don’t move a step) in this way we put children “in the difficulty” of communicating in a new way. Of paying attention to every detail. That no step is taken for grant  and that mistakes can and must be made. After that you have to find a way to get out of it.


Alongside the permanent teachers

 Junior college: a success story during the country email list last school year we follow  the junior college bilingual school of seregno and monza in a coding project involving students and teachers. The project. Which given the results has also been confirm  for the coming year. Has allow  our teachers to take on the role of “teachers” to become the children’s real references during coding hours. Alongside the permanent teachers. We l  the older children (iii. Iv and v primary) to discover coding through the swift playgrounds application for ipad . An app develop  by apple specifically for teaching coding.


Many in the multipurpose room

 For the youngest children (primary i and ii) we have creat  ad hoc Fax List lessons. Always taking inspiration from the panorama of materials provid  by apple. But without the presence of electronic devices. Deviceless ! Some lessons were held in the classroom. Many in the multipurpose room. Some also outdoors. To facilitate learning and enhance the activities through the use of the spaces deem  most appropriate. The teachers. Who support  us during each lesson. Also follow  lessons to teach coding to their students. Also in this case we reli  on the materials provid  by apple for schools to give them the opportunity to become autonomous in teaching coding to children through a path consistent with what they have seen and experienc  in the classroom.