
[10 behaviors that deduct points from employees,

Have you notic any of them?] If you don’t have a good salary and are not valu by the company, it may be because you have done these things…
post by Chloe Chan
by Chloe Chan

Jan 12, 2023 Post at 2:25 PM
Some people often complain that they are not treat as well as other employees in the company, and always say that their superiors favor some employees over others, but they forget to look at themselves, what they have contributed to the company and what attitude they have towards their work.

If we want to improve our position

In the company and get the treatment we think we deserve, we should start with ourselves.

The following 10 workplace minefields Portugal Phone Number List are constantly stepped on by people in almost every company without knowing it. Change these habits quickly and make yourself look at yourself with new eyes by your boss and supervisor!

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1. Don’t ask questions or seek help when you encounter problems

Especially for younger office workers, they Argentina Phone Number List don’t speak up when they encounter problems, don’t ask when they don’t understand something, and just brush it off, or even leave the problem there for others to take over. Such people will gradually lose their viability in the workplace.


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