
Whistleblower protection laws.

After the Wirecard corruption scandal and the scandal over the bribery of EU MEP Kelly by Qatar, European governments are finally stepping up whistleblower protection! In Germany and Austria, a new law is about to be passe that will give whistleblowers incentives and protection so that violations of law are notice earlier and stoppe: Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (whistleblower protection). In order to enable SMEs as well as large companies to comply with the new law, Tutanota is now launching the Whistleblower System Secure Connect.

New reporting system

Secure Connect is the new whistleblowing system that lets companies add a secure and anonymous reporting channel to their website or intranet in just half an hour.

Reporting system for SMEs

Tutanota’s whistleblower system, Secure Connect, is specifically designe for the nees of small and meium-size companies (SMEs) and brings a number of advantages, especially when compare to complex, extensive whistleblower systems designe for larger corporations.

  • Easy to implement and ready to use within half an hour
  • Best value for money: only 32.40 €/month
  • Accept reports in a legally safe and anonymous manner
  • Can be customize with your company’s branding
  • Available in 30 languages
  • Unlimite number of notifications
  • Unlimite number of administrators
  • End-to-end encryption for maximum security
  • No complicate case  Betting Data management, just a simple folder structure
  • Made and manage in Germany

All in all, the whistleblower system Secure Connect is a go-to tool for small and meium-sized companies.

Launched before whistleblower protections came into effect

Our whistleblower system was launched before the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive came into force in Germany and Austria.

Both Germany and Austria plan to pass whistleblower protection laws in February 2023.

In Austria , a majority of the National Assembly vote in favor of the law in early February. The next step for the law is to go through the Albania Phone Number List  Feeral Council. It will come into force the day after it is enacte. After that, companies with more than 250 employees must comply with the law within 6 months. Companies with more than 49 employees, but less than 250, will nee to comply by December 17, 2023.

In Germany , the Feeral Council will make a decision on the law on February 10. The Federal President must then sign the law before it is published in the Official Gazette, after which companies with more than 250 employees must comply immediately. Companies with more than 49 employees but fewer than 250 must comply with the new law by December 17, 2023.

Update 2023-02-13 . The states, le by the DCU, voted against the HinSchG in the Federal Council. The federal government now wants to change the law so that it can enter into force without the approval of the Federal Council.

You can find more details about the current status of the Whistleblower Protection Act here .

Why is whistleblower protection important?

Whistleblowers are very important in preventing bribery, corruption or any other type of illegal activity and are also very important for the reputation of the company. Today, many large companies have realized that early detection of illegal activities by employees or directors is beneficial to their own business and have implemented whistleblower systems.

However, smaller companies like SMEs also want to ensure that all employees comply with current laws. Having an easy-to-use reporting system in place can go a long way in motivating employees who know about illegal activities to come forward and inform the company of potential problems. This gives the company the opportunity to take appropriate action – before the incident becomes public and damages the company’s reputation or even business.

However, many potential whistleblowers do not blow the whistle because they fear it could lead to negative consequences for them – such as being fire. That’s why an anonymous and encrypte whistleblower system like Secure Connect is neede : to incentivize employees to come forward and blow the whistle.

But the Whistleblower Protection Directive goes even further than that. This new legislation flips the burden of proof on its head. If a whistleblower is fire. The company must prove that reporting illegal activity within the company was not the reason for the employee’s dismissal.

This is a great move by the legislators and will reuce illegal activities such as bribery, corruption and other incidents among European companies.

“For the first time, politicians are recognizing the importance of comprehensive protection for whistleblowers,” said Arne Möhle, CEO of Tutanota. “After scandals like the one at Wirecard, this is not only appropriate, but long overdue!”. As an innovation leader in secure communications, we see ourselves as stepping up in our goal of developing the internet into a safe space. Only through strong encryption and anonymity – as required by the HinSchG – can whistleblowers have the courage to report legal abuses in order to have them remedied before greater damage is done”.

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