
How to Know Your Web Hosting Needs

For those of you who want to create a website and need hosting, this article is important for you to read. Likewise for those of you who want to create a website using website services, you should also read this article first.

The most important part of web hosting you know is how much disk space and bandwidth you get. What is hosting disk space? Disk space is the data storage capacity that you can store on a hard disk or storage server. Bandwidth is incoming or outgoing traffic from and to a server/network in bits per second (bps). Meanwhile, what is meant by is the amount of incoming or outgoing traffic from a network to your hosting.

Bandwidth on hosting can also be interpreted

as the maximum data volume capacity Afghanistan Phone Number List that can be transferred during the data access process on the hosting server. If the bandwidth in the hosting service you buy is large, the website will load faster, because the server is capable of transferring large amounts of data every second.

Know Your Web Hosting Needs bandwidth on hosting

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After knowing disk space and hosting bandwidth, now if you want to create a website, how much hosting do you need to buy? In this blog article, I provide an example of web hosting needs for those of you who want to use WordPress CMS to create a website.

If you want to use a WordPress CMS, here is the minimum space that we recommend for you to buy:

WordPress Core: 8.9 MB (4.9.5+)
Average plugin directory: 100 MB
Average theme directory: 25 MB
Average upload directory: 1 GB
MySQL Database Average: 85 MB
So if you want to create a website using the WordPress CMS, we recommend buying a hosting disk space of at least 2GB. If you want to use a website FAX List creation service, make sure you get disc space with that amount. Less than that, you can be sure that later you will need to update if you want to create articles, add images, plugins and more.