
It took me a long time to write this article. could you please take to press” or “Did you know that if you click the social mia button below. your friend will also find this content that interest you?”. Those who came from the sharing link share more mia page. i.e. by clicking on a share you made on Facebook. 20 . This in turn emphasizes the fact that if you want your content to be shar on social mia. you should and almost must actively and regularly share it yourself. Remember that you can share your same article just fine even 5-10 times during the year if the content of the article does not expire immiately.

A moment to click the button below

There are also many different email list services on the the distribution of an article for. say. 6 or 12 months ahead. Be sure to check these things before enabling the buttons Specify the title. text and image of social shares This can easily be done with. for example. almost any SEO plugin. such as Yoast SEO or SEOPress. If you don’t define the texts and image yourself. you might be surpris how your article looks when it’s shar on. say. Facebook. Remember to check and update the Facebook cache if necessary Also remember that Facebook stores the page’s title.

Internet with which you can schule

Text and share image in its own cache Fax List when it “encounters” an article for the first time. so if you change the title. text or image of a social share. you must command Facebook to update the cach information with new and updat information. Instructions for updating the Facebook cache can be found in Annika’s Open Graph article. and think if you ne them on mobile at all Buttons creat by some add-ons do not display well on mobile devices or take up too much screen space. Therefore. it is absolutely important to ensure that the buttons do not cause problems for mobile users. In light of the statistics.

By kuqn6

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