
Gdpr requirements 10 steps you must know

The general data protection regulation (gdpr) is one of the first attempts to properly protect the personal data of private eu citizens. This regulation entered into force on but still the majority of companies have not properly adapted their websites so that they meet all the requirements of the gdpr. This is especially important for companies and organizations that plan to or already collect information from their customers or website visitors. While communicating with many clients, we noticed that it is the gdpr and its requirements that are really unclear, often a mystical “Place” for our clients. It is for this reason that we have prepared this article, which will outline 10 steps to help you make your existing company website.

Order to properly comply with all gdpr requirements

First of all, your website should have a unique privacy policy tailored to your company. The privacy policy must include the following information: general information about the company/organization (exact details of the company, a brief description of Singapore Business Fax List the company itself, its activities); detailed information on what type of data is intended to be collected and in what ways you will do it; detailed information on data protection under the gdpr. It is advisable to use short descriptions with links to the official websites of gdpr and other laws; exact links to websites of third parties that receive personal information (such as: google analytics, facebook pixel, hotjar, various retargeting services.


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Other tools that have direct access to the personal

Data of customers collected by your company). Exact names and descriptions of plugins, applications or programs used on the website; detailed information about the plan in case of possible data theft; and of course, most importantly, don’t forget to provide contact information where customers can reach you or an authorized employee for all privacy policy questions. Notice about cookies in order to properly comply with gdpr requirements, it is very important to Fax List  warn your company/organization’s customers and website visitors about the cookies used on the website. Every well-organized website must have a notice warning about cookies and the information they collect. The purpose of this notice is to familiarize the visitor with the website’s privacy policy and to offer him or her acceptance opt-out.