
Elon Musk attacks again on Twitter

The last few weeks have put Elon Musk at the center of almost every news story. The purchase of Twitter is the main focus, but the Tesla leader has wasted no time in taking on other topics, where he gives his controversial opinions. The most recent one came at the end of the week, where he focused on copyright and what it means. He spoke out against the current rules and went further and classified them as a plague on humanity.

Elon Musk Twitter copyright DMCA

Elon Musk focused on attacking the DMCA Elon Musk has once again chosen Twitter as his new target to convey his strong opinions that can Colombia Mobile Number List shake the Internet and its users. In two simple posts, he pointed the finger at copyright and the DMCA ( Digital Millennium Copyright Act ). Specifically, he responded to a Slashdot story that revealed a new proposal to change the law. Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley introduced a bill that aims to shorten the copyright term to a maximum of 56 years, with no special privileges for certain companies.

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Lots of copyright protection

Elon Musk has criticized how this law protects companies like Disney and allows them to maintain a monopoly on the use of their iconic Afghanistan Phone Number List characters. Under normal circumstances, these would have been transferred to the public domain several years ago. According to Elon Musk, the aforementioned regulation has become “a plague on humanity”. Regarding copyright regulation in general, he states that it has become “overzealous” in defending the creators of cultural works, something that goes “absurdly far”.

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