
Answer the WIFM Question

Using keywords, however, does not mean you should stuff the description with them. The keywords should flow within the description so that the audience can understand that this is indeed a website that has the information they are searching for. WIFM, is an acronym for ‘What’s In It For Me?’ Just about everyone has that question in.. Their mind Answer the  they are browsing the internet or even making a buying decision. Your meta description Answer the  to be mindful of this fact, the reader is asking why they should click on your. Page and not the other ones that have appeared in the search results.

The description should be able to tell the reader


What value your page will add to their life once they click on it. You are in competition with the other pages that have shown up and you Data just a few words to convince the audience that you are the best fit for them. 4. Make it a Call to Action Remember you are trying to convert visitors, what better way to enhance conversion by including a call to action in your meta description. This is not advice for you to turn it into a sales pitch, that would just turn off the person.

The call to action should be subtle but effective

This is almost like being able to answer the WIFM question. The reader should be encouraged to click on the link in order to benefit from something. The call to action could be something like “learn how to get more clicks to your webpage.” As you Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List see, this is a subtle call to action but in the end, a person looking to get more clicks is more likely to click on the link. 5. Make it Friendly and Perfect The meta description is like your reception area or front desk manager.


Rank Higher on Google

Rank Higher on Google

Some of the significant on-page practices you can target by adding alt text, internal links. Meta description, etc., and working on Rank […]

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