Are you ready to start using these tips?
Schedule a meeting with your sales and marketing teams, turn the speakers up to full volume, and everyone sings along to the soothing lyrics of Dionne Warwick.
Before you know it, the music is back in the partnership, and the two fighters go from arguing on the school grounds to walking around the classroom together.
Fake news is hard to spot
One of the most commonly cited reasons for Turkey Phone Number social media is to follow the news (46%). However, one in five social media users find it hard to spot fake news on social media, with baby boomers finding this more difficult than younger generations (25% for Gen Z, 17% for Gen Z, 14% for Millennials, and 19% for Gen X).
use social media more frequently than Gen X and Boomers to get inspired, learn about trends and developments, and discover new products and brands. Boomers follow brands and companies significantly less than other generations. No surprise: Gen Z loves influencers.
Not surprisingly, Generation
Z spends the most time on social media day: 3.5 hours on average. For Millennials, it’s 2.4 hours, while Generation X and Baby Boomers spend an average of 1.8 and 1.7 hours per day, respectively.