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Things to consider before choosing Modula

  • You can create albums from different galleries, which is useful if you need to display a lot of photos.
  • Depending on which version you have, you can create slideshow galleries and many other types of galleries.
  • Premium versions offer advanced features like watermarks, deep linking to images, and more.
  • NextGEN Pro includes eCommerce functionality, which is useful if you are a photography website selling photography.
  • In the free version you can choose between compact and extended galleries. So you have to choose between a long list of photos or a consolidated layout.
  • You’ll receive unique alternatives to your usual grid galleries. These options include thumbnail galleries, list albums, and blog-style galleries.
  • It is possible to share images through social media buttons and other options such as sending by email.
  • options such as email delivery.
  • Visitors to your website can enter
  • your gallery and comment on images. This is not a requirement, so you can enable or disable this feature.
  • Sales tax is automatically generated moj database when photo sales are made.
  • Some of the payment gateways choosing Modula are Stripe and PayPal .
  • If you sell gallery photos, you have tools to send coupons to your customers.
  • If you want to partner with a reputable printing company, you can use a printing lab. This is what most photographers tend to do, as printing photos would be too time-consuming and expensive.
  • The premium version includes a how ai-powered search is changing seo and content strategy Lightroom plugin for quick editing and publishing.

Things to consider before choosing NextGEN

The free version used to be pretty basic, but they have been actively adding more features. For example, the basic slideshow can display arrows and change the transition time. NextGEN is a benin businesses directory professional-grade image gallery. We recommend it to anyone who can afford it. Try the free version first, and then consider upgrading if you want to protect images and offer additional gallery layouts. Remember that NextGEN Pro is one of the most expensive WordPress photo gallery plugins out there.

  • Price: The cheapest premium package is NextGEN Starter at $29.
  • Reviews: 4.3 out of 5 stars (WordPress.org).
  • Active installations: 700,000+.
  • PHP version: 6 or higher.
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