
Social Networks as dissemination platforms

Social Networks as dissemination platforms. And I tell you this because Social Networks are, precisely, one of the best platforms to raise awareness and act, to spread messages where causes are the order of the day, although networks are a double-edged sword (this is already a topic for another debate, for other content). Following Mando’s publication, another friend, Raúl Santa Cruz, commented that in his opinion, society has more feelings every day but they influence us less and less.

What is Cause Marketing or Awareness Marketing

That said, we understand Awareness Marketing or Cause Marketing.  In other words, a company helps a specific social cause. Therefore, when customers and consumers buy its brand, its product or its services. When I started hearing about Cause Marketing, I asked myself, as I usually do when I don’t know something that really interests me, the origin of it. In this case, its origins date back to the early 80s. The first case dates back to 83. where American Express got involved email leads to restore the Statue of Liberty in New York . Committing to donating one cent each time . Therefore,your card is used and one dollar for the issuance of a new card in the United States.

email leads

Examples of Cause Marketing to better understand

I leave you an example of Axion Dexia. Therefore, Awareness Marketing, a Road Safety Education spot. Be careful, for extremely sensitive people. You can ignore it and skip to the next one. And here is another brilliant example of a spot loaded with awareness and of course. Therefore, Cause Marketing Fax List in its purest form. Just a few days before we all go crazy with the new season of Game of Thrones, anyone might wonder. starting to watch the video, who will be the next victim of the series.

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